Install windows terminal command line
Install windows terminal command line

It was inspired by oh-my-zsh (for all of you unix users). Oh My Posh is a prompt theme for any engine, including PowerShell 7. PowerShellGet\Install-Module posh -git -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease -Force.Via PowerShellGet - / PowerShell Gallery.Posh-git is a PowerShell module that integrates Git and PowerShell by providing Git status summary information that can be displayed in the PowerShell prompt, e.g.: How to install PowerShellGet – Installing PowerShellGet Posh Git You can check the PowerShell Gallery website for more information.

install windows terminal command line

It is a module that lets you install other modules for PowerShell. If you already don’t have it, I would advise you to install PowerShellGet. Once you are done installing PowerShell you should install few PowerShell modules (extensions): You can install PowerShell 7 in two easy ways: I use PowerShell 7, also known as PowerShell Core, it is an open-source, cross-platform version of PowerShell. If you install via official website, you should have VS Code added to the file context menu (right click) for both files and directories.Īfter that, you should decide which shell you want to use. How to install: Official website or Chocolatey package It can be used for various other programming languages as well. It’s also an amazing tool to work on JavaScript and TypeScript projects. I also like to install Visual Studio Code to help me quickly navigate and edit any kind of configuration or code files. Via chocolatey if you have it installed.You can get Windows Terminal in 3 different easy ways It has easily configurable and dynamic profiles (you can see changes in real-time while changing JSON settings), color schemes, it has GUI for settings, it has command palette, and many other features. dynamic changes – while you change and save JSON settings you can see changes reflecting in your shells.command palette (like the one in VS Code).panes – split panes, multiple shells at same time.Why install Windows Terminal? Here are some of the most important reasons I can think of:

install windows terminal command line

It is a modern terminal emulator for users of command-tools and shells, including PowerShell, bash within WSL, SSH, Command Prompt, and any other command-line app. First of all, you should install Windows Terminal.

Install windows terminal command line